
Crowdfunding for startups: is it all there is to leverage growth?

9 Sep



In the dynamic universe of businesses, where innovation is the lifeblood, crowdfunding for startups has burst onto the scene like a rocket, redefining how entrepreneurs fuel their ventures. This cutting-edge method of raising capital is not just a trend; it’s a revolution that’s breaking down financial barriers and forging direct connections between companies and their future fans and investors.

Imagine skipping the bank queues and pitching your dream directly to the crowd – people who not only believe in your vision but are eager to invest in it. And it’s more than just hype. The numbers tell the story: Statista projects that the global crowdfunding market will skyrocket to US$1.27bn by 2028, growing at a robust 1.43% annual rate.

These figures highlight the rising significance of crowdfunding as a powerhouse tool for startups eager to secure funding, validate their ideas, and build a loyal community around their brand.

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of crowdfunding for business, revealing strategies that can set you up for success, navigating the diverse platforms at your disposal, and dissecting the advantages and hurdles of this funding route. Whether you’re just starting or scaling up, mastering crowdfunding could be the game-changing move that accelerates your operations to new frontiers.

What is crowdfunding for business?

At its core, crowdfunding for business involves raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via online platforms. This democratized approach to fundraising has opened doors for entrepreneurs who might otherwise struggle to secure investment through conventional channels.

Before digging into the types of crowdfunding, check our 5 tips for securing the capital you need to scale your business.

Types of crowdfunding available for companies

1. Reward-based crowdfunding

Reward-based crowdfunding is like the ultimate pre-launch hype machine. You’re not just raising funds; you’re creating a tribe of early adopters who are eager to get their hands on your product. It’s a killer way to validate your idea before you even hit the market, and you get to keep 100% ownership. Plus, it's a fantastic way to gauge demand and gather valuable feedback from your backers.

But here’s the catch – if you don’t deliver on your promises, that tribe can quickly turn into an angry mob. Managing production and fulfillment can be a logistical nightmare, especially if you’re not prepared for the volume of orders. And remember, if you don’t reach your funding goal, it’s all for nothing. No pressure.

Looking for a less stressful alternative? We've got you covered: six options for funding your small business.

2. Equity crowdfunding

Equity crowdfunding is where things get serious. You’re not just handing out products – you’re offering a slice of the pie. This can attract bigger fish willing to invest more cash because they see potential in your company’s future. You’re building an army of investors with a vested interest in your success, which can open doors to new opportunities and networks.

But let’s not sugarcoat it. You’re giving away equity, meaning less control and a smaller piece of the profits for you down the line. And with more shareholders comes more responsibility. You’ll have to keep them in the loop, and they’ll expect results. It’s like adding more chefs to the kitchen; sometimes it helps, but it can also lead to a lot of heated debates.

Need some pro tips? Check Simon Walker’s Ted Talk. He’s the head coach at, so he knows a thing or two about the matter.

3. Debt crowdfunding

Debt crowdfunding is your go-to if you want to keep your ownership intact while still getting the funds you need. It’s straightforward: borrow now, pay back later with interest. You get the cash infusion to kick-start your business, and once the debt is paid off, you’re free and clear. It’s like a bank loan but without the tedious paperwork and stiff corporate vibes.

But beware – those payments can become a heavy burden, especially if your business hits a rough patch. Missing a payment isn’t just a headache; it could damage your reputation and credit score. And unlike equity crowdfunding, you won’t have a built-in group of cheerleaders rooting for your success. It’s all on you to make those repayments and keep the ship sailing smoothly.

It’s time to broaden your horizons. Take a look at 8 examples of non-bank credit options.

4. Donation-based crowdfunding

Donation-based crowdfunding is the purest form of funding. People give because they believe in your cause, no strings attached. It’s perfect for startups with a social mission or charitable angle. You get the funds you need while building goodwill and a positive brand image. Plus, there’s no obligation to pay anyone back or deliver a product.

The downside? You’re relying on goodwill, and goodwill alone doesn’t pay the bills. It’s tough to raise significant amounts unless your cause really tugs at the heartstrings or goes viral. And since there’s no tangible reward, it’s harder to incentivize people to contribute. You’ll need to be a master storyteller to make your campaign stand out and capture those donations.

What are the advantages of crowdfunding for startups?

Crowdfunding offers several unique benefits for startups beyond just raising capital:

  1. Market validation: a successful campaign serves as proof of concept, demonstrating market interest in your product or service
  2. Customer engagement: crowdfunding allows you to build a community of early adopters and brand advocates who feel invested in your success
  3. Feedback and iteration: backers often provide valuable feedback, helping you refine your offering before a full-scale launch
  4. Marketing boost: crowdfunding campaigns can generate significant buzz and media attention, providing free marketing exposure
  5. No equity dilution (for reward-based campaigns): unlike traditional investment, reward-based crowdfunding allows you to raise funds without giving up equity in your company
  6. Flexibility: crowdfunding can be used at various stages of your startup's growth, from initial concept to expansion phases

What are the disadvantages of crowdfunding for startups?

While crowdfunding offers numerous benefits, it's not without its challenges. Understanding and preparing for these potential hurdles is crucial:

  1. Competition for attention: with numerous campaigns vying for backers, standing out can be difficult
  2. Time and resource intensive: running a successful campaign requires significant effort in planning, content creation, and ongoing management
  3. Public scrutiny: crowdfunding exposes your idea to the public, potentially attracting copycats or criticism
  4. Meeting expectations: fulfilling promises to backers, especially in product-based campaigns, can be challenging and may lead to delays
  5. Regulatory compliance: equity crowdfunding, in particular, comes with legal and regulatory requirements that must be navigated carefully
  6. All-or-nothing risk: some platforms operate on an all-or-nothing model, meaning you only receive funds if you meet your goal

By anticipating these challenges and developing strategies to address them, you can minimize risks and maximize the potential benefits of any of the types of crowdfunding.

Know your thing and keep your investors smiling: Demystifying return on equity (ROE) and its significance.

Popular crowdfunding platforms for startups

When selecting a platform, consider factors such as fees, audience reach, support services, and compatibility with your startup's niche and goals. It's also worth noting that some providers specialize in specific industries or types of businesses, so thorough research is essential to a good match.

  • Kickstarter: ideal for creative projects and product launches, Kickstarter is known for its all-or-nothing funding model
  • Indiegogo: offers flexible funding options and is suitable for a wide range of projects, including technology and innovation
  • SeedInvest: focuses on equity crowdfunding for high-growth startups, connecting entrepreneurs with accredited investors
  • WeFunder: another equity crowdfunding platform that allows anyone to invest in startups they believe in
  • Republic: emphasizes inclusivity, allowing both accredited and non-accredited investors to participate in startup funding

How do I get crowdfunding for my startup?

If you’re asking yourself “How do I get crowdfunding for my startup?”, know that securing that bag requires a strategic approach and meticulous planning. Here are key steps to increase your chances of success:

1. Sell the dream, not just the product

Craft a narrative that resonates with your audience, highlighting your startup's unique value proposition and the problem it solves.

The trick? Your story should hit like a lightning bolt, connecting with your audience on an emotional level. Paint a vivid picture of the world with your solution in it. Show them how your product isn’t just another gadget – it’s the key to a better life. Keep it real and raw, making them believe they’re part of something big.

2. Have a big vision and smart execution

Dream big, but keep your feet on the ground. Start by defining a clear funding target, one that’s ambitious but achievable. 

Break it down: how will each dollar move the needle for your business? Whether it’s R&D, marketing, or scaling production, be crystal clear about where the money’s going and how it’ll drive your startup forward. Your backers need to see the path from their contribution to your success.

3. Choose the right platform

Not all platforms are created equal. Don’t just jump on the most popular one; find the one that’s built for your kind of business and audience.

Kickstarter is great for creative projects, Indiegogo offers more flexibility, and SeedInvest is where serious investors play. Do your homework, understand the rules, and choose the one that gives your campaign the best shot at crowdfunding for your business.

4. Bet on visuals that wow and words that win

Your content needs to be more than just pretty; it needs to convert. Start with a killer video that grabs attention in the first few seconds – no fluff, just impact.

Follow up with sharp images that showcase your product’s best features and written content that’s clear, compelling, and to the point. Remember, people are investing in your vision as much as your product, so let that shine through every pixel and word. If it’s not engaging, it’s not worth posting.

5. Give them a reason to say yes

Your backers want value; give it to them. For reward-based campaigns, think beyond the basics. Offer exclusive products, early access, or experiences that money can’t normally buy.

For equity crowdfunding for startups, make the stakes clear. Show potential investors how they’re not just buying in; they’re buying a piece of the future. Make your tiers tempting, and don’t be afraid to get creative. The right incentive can turn a maybe into a hell yes.

6. Create a buzz before your launch

Don’t wait until launch day to build momentum. Use social media, email lists, and networking events to gather a crowd that’s ready to jump at the moment you go live. Give them sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes content, and early-bird rewards.

The goal is to create FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) so strong that when you hit that launch button, your community is already in a frenzy. Pre-launch buzz isn’t optional – it’s your secret weapon.

7. Hustle intelligently

Marketing isn’t just a checklist. Start with a clear plan that hits multiple channels: social media, email marketing, PR, and influencer partnerships. 

Use targeted ads to reach the right people at the right time. Partner with influencers who align with your brand, and get your story in front of as many eyes as possible. And don’t forget to keep the momentum going throughout the campaign. A well-executed strategy is the difference between just another crowdfunding for startups campaign and a full-blown movement.

8. Keep the love alive

Silence isn’t golden, communication is. Keep your backers in the loop with regular updates that are honest, informative, and, whenever possible, exciting. Share your wins, be transparent about your challenges, and celebrate every milestone with them.

This isn’t just about maintaining goodwill; it’s about keeping your backers engaged and invested in your journey. Regular updates turn occasional supporters into lifelong ride-or-die fans.

Crowdfunding strategies for SaaS startups

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) startups face unique challenges and opportunities when it comes to crowdfunding. If that’s your case, here’s how you can maximize your potential:

1. Showcase your beta version

Unlike physical products, SaaS offerings can be demonstrated in real-time. Create a functional beta version of your software and offer supporters early access. This tangible preview can significantly boost credibility and interest.

2. Emphasize scalability and recurring revenue

SaaS businesses often have high scalability and predictable recurring revenue. Highlight these aspects in your campaign to attract investors looking for long-term growth potential. Provide clear projections and explain your user acquisition strategy.

3. Offer tiered subscription packages

Instead of traditional rewards, consider offering tiered, discounted subscription packages. For example, lifetime access for top-tier backers or extended free trials for early supporters. This approach aligns perfectly with the SaaS model and can help secure long-term users.

4. Leverage API integrations

If your SaaS product integrates with popular platforms, showcase these connections. Emphasize how your solution fits into existing tech ecosystems, making it more attractive to potential users and investors.

5. Focus on customer acquisition cost (CAC) and lifetime value (LTV)

Investors in SaaS are often interested in metrics like CAC and LTV. If you have data from your beta or MVP (Minimum Viable Product), include these figures in your campaign to demonstrate your business's potential profitability.

6. Highlight your tech stack and security measures

For SaaS products, the underlying technology and security protocols are crucial. Provide insights into your tech stack, data protection measures, and compliance standards (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) to build trust with tech-savvy backers.

7. Create an interactive demo

Develop an interactive demo that potential supporters can try without full access to the software. This hands-on experience can be more compelling than static screenshots or videos.

8. Emphasize your roadmap and vision

SaaS products often evolve rapidly. Share your product roadmap, outlining planned features and improvements. This gives backers a sense of the product's future direction and potential for growth.

9. Leverage community-driven development

Engage potential users in the development process. Offer top-tier supporters the opportunity to influence feature prioritization or participate in exclusive beta testing groups. This approach can create a devoted early user base.

10. Address the "build vs. buy" dilemma

Many businesses face the decision of whether to build similar solutions in-house or buy existing ones. In your campaign, articulate why choosing your SaaS product is more advantageous than internal development.

11. Utilize freemium models in your campaign

Consider offering a freemium version of your software as part of the crowdfunding campaign. This can help demonstrate value, build a user base, and provide real-world testimonials during the funding period.

From quick cash to long-term success

Crowdfunding isn’t just about quick cash – it’s about building a foundation for long-term growth. Here’s how to make it happen:

1. Listen and adapt

Your backers are your first customers. Use their data – like demographics and feedback – to refine your product and marketing strategies. Notice what they love and what concerns them, then adjust accordingly. Their insights are your roadmap to success.

2. Turn backers into loyalists

Your backers believed in you from day one. Keep them engaged with updates, exclusive offers, and early access to new products. These aren’t just customers – they’re your tribe. Nurture these relationships, and you’ll have brand ambassadors who spread the word for you.

3. Prove your worth

A successful campaign isn’t just about funding – it’s proof that your idea works. Use this success to attract venture capitalists and angel investors. Show them that your product isn’t just a concept, it’s a proven winner with a ready-made audience. This can be the key to unlocking bigger investment opportunities.

4. Keep the momentum going

Don’t let the media buzz fade after your campaign ends. Build relationships with the journalists who covered your story. Keep them updated on your progress and future plans. Turn that initial excitement into ongoing coverage that keeps your brand in the spotlight.

5. Create strategic alliances

Your campaign’s success can attract potential partners: suppliers, distributors, or complementary businesses. Don’t wait for them to find you; reach out and forge partnerships that can help you scale faster. Leverage your visibility to build alliances that propel your company forward.

Harnessing the power of the crowd is just one way to do it

Crowdfunding has emerged as a powerful tool in the startup ecosystem, offering more than just financial support. It provides a platform for validation, community building, and market entry that can set the stage for long-term success. While it comes with its own set of challenges, the potential rewards make it a compelling option for many young businesses.

As you consider your funding options, remember that crowdfunding is just one piece of the puzzle. At Stenn, we understand the unique financial needs of startups and offer innovative financing solutions that can work alongside or as an alternative.

Whether you're looking to bridge funding gaps, finance inventory, or accelerate your growth, our tailored financial services can provide the support you need. To learn more about how we can help power your startup's journey, visit our finance options page and discover the right solution for your business.


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